Update Note to Contacts An update note is a good way to keep your contacts aware of, and interested in, your activities. You should send one to your contacts when you introduce any new product or service, publish an article of interest, or want to report something notable. Send out an update note if you are doing an informal seminar, raising capital for an idea, or just introducing a new concept (after secrecy no longer is an issue). Keep these basics in mind: • Update notes should be typed. Better yet, laser print them as announcements. Use some eye-catching graphics and your logo. • Use an informal and entertaining, yet professional, tone. • Get to the point in the first paragraph. An update note is almost like a press release, written to people you already know. • If you intend to follow up, indicate in the second paragraph how and when you will do so. Follow-ups are not always needed. You should, however, follow up with specific individuals with whom you want to do further business related to the update information. • Conclude by expressing your hope that the recipient's business is going well. If the update note is to a friend, inquire about personal matters. Always end the note with an upbeat closing. • Enclose all relevant materials with the update information.